Jaga Heating launches new website

Jaga Heating Products UK has a new website – www.jaga.co.uk that offers more than just product information.

Jaga Heating launches new website

The website showcases real-life uses of its radiators and engages in a two-way conversation with potential or current customers.

It has a useful forum, which allows users to submit a question that Jaga and other forum users can easily respond to and add to the discussion. The forum also allows people to view past conversations that might answer their Jaga-related question.

Users can also find a radiator suitable for their specific needs by using the website’s search tool, which has the ability to streamline a radiator search by heat source, application, type, and dimensions. In addition, users can select features unique to Jaga radiators such as, the Low-H20 and DBE (Dynamic Boost Effect) option. An extensive range of downloads – covering product specifications and technical information – is then freely available for each product.

About Fiona Russell-Horne

Group Managing Editor across the BMJ portfolio.

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