Travis Perkins launches its “Trade Talk” podcast

Travis Perkins has launched a podcast entitled ‘Trade Talk’ – the three-part series is hosted by podcast and radio presenter, Sally Wallace.

In the first episode Wallace talks with Karl Conway, of KLC Builders from South Manchester, and Jake Keenan, a Travis Perkins branch manager at Congleton, about their experiences of apprenticeships and training.Travis Perkins pod

Matthew Aitken, head of marketing at Travis Perkins said: “It is full of great tips, subject matters that the trade might find helpful and relatable. We’re really excited to be working with Sally, Karl and Jake who each has different experiences in the construction sector.

“At Travis Perkins we have a long heritage of doing what matters for the trade and think each episode will help equip tradespeople with valuable insights and advice.”

The podcast is available on Spotify, iTunes and Amazon Music.

Wallace commented: “I’ve been married to the trade for almost 16 years and presenting and hosting podcasts and radio shows for the same time. Hosting “Trade Talk” for Travis Perkins produced by the team at Voiceworks is a dream combination for me. The episodes are fun, informative and a chance to share relatable stories and topics of the trade, with a little insight to the madness of my home life, as a trade wife.”


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