Travis Perkins Hire helps to improve site safety

Travis Perkins Hire, which is part of Travis Perkins plc, has announced a series of measures to help improve the safety of its products for customers.

Alongside this, it has also launched its “Staying Safe On Site in Winter” guide. The product guide includes a range of heating, lighting, electric plant and security products to help customers during winter.

Alice Wise, head of category for Travis Perkins Hire, said: “The analysis we’ve carried out with the HSE and JCB suggests that having wider wheels on dumper trucks will significantly reduce the number of plant hire accidents and the risk of injury to many of our customers. We want to continue to do what matters and improve plant use, and the new safety handover video and Winter Guide will help familiarise our customers with the latest kit and what they need to do to keep themselves and others safe whilst operating it.”

Tilting Testing of Dumper Trucks

Travis Perkins worked with JCB to improve the stability and safety of the machines it hires  to customers. Working with the group, they commissioned the Health and Safety Executive’s Science Division.  to perform a tilt testing exercise on their  dumper trucks. The results found that dumper trucks with wider wheels tend to be more stable and have a difference of 6° between them and models with a narrower wheelbase. These learnings helped to inform the range of dumpers available for customers to hire from Travis Perkins.

Travis Perkins also created a film for the JCB 1T-2 Wide Wheeled Dumper  that is exclusively available from Travis Perkins Hire. It includes the features and benefits of the dumper and will be shared with colleagues and customers in branches and across digital channels.

New Travis Perkins Plant Safety Handover Video

Travis Perkins has built on its successful plant safety handover video, contributing to a reduction in tips on this equipment, by widening the products covered to include a new safety handover video for its Scissor Lift. The video is available on Travis Perkins Hire drivers’ handsets, and after being transported to site, it is a mandatory requirement that operators are required to watch them. A text link to the video is also sent at the point of order or delivery.

The handover hire video outlines the risks and hazards of using the hire vehicles and what measures operators should take to prevent them. They also detail what to do in the event of a machine tip.

Staying Safe On Site in Winter Guide

The guide includes details of each category and also includes QR codes taking customers directly to those product pages and providing them with everything they need to make an informed, smart and safe decision about the best products to have on site.

The products are available at over 250 Travis Perkins Hire outlets across the UK. To make hiring the equipment you need as simple as possible, customers just need to add the products to a basket and receive a quote for the duration of hire.

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